• Tarot is a a deeply spiritual practice that has been used for centuries to gain insights, provide guidance, and an opportunity for self-reflection. The Tarot can provide a new lens through which to view your experiences. At its core, Tarot revolves around a deck of cards, typically containing 78 cards with various symbols, images, and archetypal representations.

    These cards are divided into two main categories:

    Major Arcana: These cards represent significant life events, spiritual lessons, and universal themes. They often depict powerful archetypal figures and symbols.

    Minor Arcana: These cards more specific, day-to-day aspects of life. Consisting of four suits (cups, wands, swords, and pentacles).

    Tarot readers draw upon their knowledge of symbolism, numerology, and personal intuition to provide meaningful insights.

  • Tarot offers guidance, insight, clarity, and an opportunity for self-reflection. It can be a powerful tool for personal growth, introspection, and navigating life's challenges through new perspectives. Tarot can be used to understand the energies surrounding a particular situation and allows us to move forward feeling empowered. We all have free will and may choose to interpret and use the insight gleamed from the tarot as we choose.

  • There are no ‘bad’ cards in Tarot. The 78 cards of the tarot are representative of our life experiences. As in life, there are highs and lows, triumphs and challenges. Every card carries with it, its own message, lesson, guidance, and energy. All readings are intended to empower you in you life’s journey, wherever you may be.

  • While traditional Tarot readings follow established interpretations associated with each card, intuitive tarot readings offer an additional layer that is a more personalized and fluid experience. Intuitive Tarot readings combine the knowledge of tarot card symbolism with a heightened sense of intuition and awareness of subtle energies. Intuitive Tarot readings go beyond the surface to offer a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the cards by establishing a personal and empathetic connection with the querent. Tuning into the querent's emotions, concerns, and energy, allows for a more tailored and emotionally attuned reading.

  • I primarily read with Rider-Waite Tarot deck. I can however, offer readings with the following decks: The Wild Unknown, Dali Tarot, The Wheel of Change Tarot, and The Cosmic Tribe Tarot. If you would like a reading with one of these decks, please let me know at the time of booking.

  • At its core, the basic values of Tarot are integrity, impartiality, and respect. The reader’s role is to facilitate your journey in ways that respect the your values, personal resources, and capacity for self-determination. As a member of the Tarot Guild of Australia, the world’s oldest Tarot Association, I abide by their Code of Ethics.

    Your privacy and the sensitive nature of your questions are treated with respect and discretion. Your personal information and the details of our reading will remain strictly confidential. Your journey and the insights gained from our Tarot reading are yours alone to explore, and I am committed to upholding the trust you place in me as your Tarot reader.

  • Due to the digital nature of readings, I am unable to offer refunds after services have been provided. I strive to provide quality readings, however, if you are unsatisfied with your experience, please reach out so we can discuss. For information on our refund policy, please view our Terms of Use.

  • Wonderful! Please reach out here.